Power system controllers are typically designed using continuous time realizations and are then implemented in a digital platform using discrete equations. The performance of the controller is then evaluated with Hardware-in-loop EMT simulation in which the controller is interfaced with a real-time simulation model of the power network. In order to assess the performance of this simulation setup, the paper investigates how the time-step selection and interfacing delays of the digital controller implementation affect the dynamic behaviour of the overall simulation. The paper formulates an analytical approach using the well-known lifting technique, from which a shift in variant model is derived for the overall system. An eigenvalue based small-signal stability assessment and parametric sensitivity
analysis is conducted with the resulting model which is further validated through time-domain EMT simulations.
K. Dey, A. Sinkar, A. M. Gole, Y. Qi, D. Li and H. Ding, "Small-Signal Stability Assessment of Controller Hardware-In-Loop EMT Simulations," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Seattle, WA, USA, 2024, pp. 1-5
KEYWORDS: Controller Hardware in loop simulations, simulation stability, Real-Time simulations, Multi-rate simulations