Test and validate substation automation protocols with the RTDS Simulator
The all-new Protection and Automation Suite (PASuite) in is a standalone program launched from RSCAD that can communicate with the RTDS Simulator’s GTNET/GTNETx2 card or other external devices compatible with a variety of modern substation automation protocols, as follows: IEC 61850 MMS servers, DNP3 masters or oustations, IEC 60870-5-104 masters, and MODBUS masters.
IEC 61850 MMS Server: The PASuite can be used to simulate IEC 61850 MMS servers using SCL files. Functionality is included in the suite to validate the SCL file prior to simulation. The Suite provides options for configuring the server (including GOOSE message publishing parameters), browsing the IED model and submodels as per the SCL file, and setting values within the submodels (i.e. Data Objects and Data Attributes). The server simulator allows the user to simulate GOOSE communication between an outside IED and the simulated IED. The simulated server can also subscribe to GOOSE messages.
DNP3 Master and Outstation: The PASuite can simulate both DNP3 masters and outstations, allowing the user the ability to poll information from a remote outstation or connect the simulation with a remote master, respectively. The simulated DNP3 outstation’s defined database can be created new or loaded and/or edited by the user. Once the simulation is started, users can be make changes to data elements in the outstation database. When simulating a master, the user can retrieve information from the remote outstation via commands defined by the standard.
The user interface of the DNP3 Master simulation tool of the PASuite
IEC 60870-5-104 Master: The PASuite can simulate a master and retrieve information from remote -104 slave stations. Information can be acquired via a number of control commands including General Interrogation (GI). A slave can configure what data is sent in response to a GI.
MODBUS Master: The PASuite can be set up as a MODBUS master and poll information from remote MODBUS slaves. Data is polled via Reference Points and Range Points which define groups of consecutive I.P. addresses on which a given MODBUS command is performed. A variety of standard MODBUS function codes are supported.