Advances in power electronics, controls, and computer networking are the fundamental building blocks for the next generation of shipboard power system. Due to increasing power requirements, medium voltage ac and dc systems are envisioned to provide the abilities required by the next generation platforms. Before possible benefits of new technologies can be evaluated in a system-relevant context, baseline information on current technologies and operating concepts is required. This paper summarizes efforts in creating such baselines of notional shipboard power systems that allow benchmarking performance and comparing outcomes. With respect to the efforts herein, of most interest are the possible benefits to be gained through alternate electric distribution system design choices, operational procedures, and advanced controls.
Karl Schoder, Harsha Ravindra, Mark Stanovich, James Langston, Isaac Leonard, Michael Steurer, Presented at 2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS)
KEYWORDS: shipboard power systems, modeling and simulation, controls, evaluation, marine vehicles, real-time systems, load modeling, data models, power electronics, propulsion, marine power systems, power system simulation, power distribution control