This paper introduces a distributed grounding line selection method based on GOOSE, which is also implemented in the protection device. In the small current grounding system, when single phase grounding fault happens, fault current is quite small due to the switching of arc-extinguish coil decreasing the capacitive current, which makes it difficult to recognize the fault line using steady-state determination method. By employing wavelets decomposition methodology, discriminating the high frequency component of transient current and recognizing the grounding line rapidly and accurately can be achieved. With exploiting GOOSE of station control layer to share information among several devices, wavelets method is utilized to judge grounding line locally. The algorithm is verified through MATLAB simulation and the microprocessor-based protection embedded in the algorithm is validated in RTDS test. The scheme presents great application prospects and is worth popularizing.
Jiang Miao, Shi Yong, Dong Kaida, Hou Wei, Li Yuqi, In Proc. Cigre Canada 2019, Montreal, QC, September 2019
KEYWORDS: distributed, grounding line selection, wavelets analysis, GOOSE