Power electronics devices, including HVdc and FACTS devices, are among many critical technologies for ensuring and enhancing the controllability, reliability, and safety of modern power networks. As the penetration of these devices into the grid increases, their impact is becoming more significant and careful investigation of controls interaction is becoming a standard requirement before the devices can be integrated into the grid. Typical design process for power electronic devices start with studies performed using system data with tools such as PSS®E. Once the high-level requirements have been established, more detailed design is performed using time domain tools such as PSCAD® followed by verification in using RTDS®. The RTDS is a real time simulator that can be used to represent real network dynamics of interest in real time allowing interface to the actual controls significantly increasing confidence that the design will work correctly once installed in the field. Due to limited size of RTDS hardware, full AC network models cannot be represented, and dynamic equivalents are essential. Equivalents for RTDS testing are usually constrained by the size of the RTDS simulator and the modeling engineer typically spends a significant amount of time developing the optimal topology of the equivalent and then validating the accuracy of the resulting equivalent.
In this paper, a procedure for rapid creation of accurate dynamic equivalent directly from a large P SS E model is described. The procedure allows the process to be highly automated by searching for optimal topology and generating optimal dynamic equivalent parameters by iterating through optimization routines. It also includes a validation component saving the user the time required to check how accurate the resulting equivalent is compared to the original network. A sample case study will be used to demonstrate the capabilities and accuracy of the routines. Future improvements planned will also be elaborated.
H. Said, P. Kuffel, M. Mielke, In Proc. Cigre Canada 2018, Calgary, Alberta, October 2018, Paper 62
KEYWORDS: Network reduction, RTDS, PSCAD, PSSE, HVdc systems, FACTS devices