Voltage source converters (VSCs) have been widely used due to their flexibility to control voltages and power independently and bi-directionally. Typically, the control system of VSCs mainly consists of two parts; outer voltage and power controllers and inner current controllers. The vector current control based dq decoupling technique enables to control the active power, reactive power, DC voltage and AC voltage. However, the d- and q-axis of grid voltages and currents comprise AC and DC components under unbalanced grid conditions. The AC components of the d- and q-axis currents make the grid currents unbalanced. In this paper, a novel current control is presented and investigated under unbalanced grid condition for a Back-to-Back Modular Multilevel Converter (B2B-MMC) based HVDC system and validated using the Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). Further, the active power oscillation under fault is eliminated by controlling the AC component of grid currents in the dq frame. The RTDS results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed controllers under unbalanced grid voltage conditions.
Mohammed Alharbi, Subhashish Bhattacharya, In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, August 2018.
KEYWORDS: Current control, Voltage control, Reactive power, Power conversion, HVDC transmission, Capacitors