This paper focuses on comparison studies of the CIGRE DC grid test systems on the real time platform RTDS and the offline simulation program PSCAD. The real time MMC valve models employ a surrogate network topology to reduce the computational burden on the hardware to simulate MMC HVDC in real time at a time step of 2 to 4 usec. The main purpose of the paper is to further validate the real time MMC valve models based on the surrogate network topology for transient studies and demonstrate the ability to model large DC grid systems on a real time platform. The paper provides a description on the surrogate network topology and provides comparison results of the RTDS and PSCAD simulations for different transient events on the CIGRE test systems.
S. Elimban, Y. Zhang and J. C. Garcia Alonso, "Real Time Simulation for HVDC grids with modular multi-level converters," 11th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, Birmingham, 2015, pp. 1-8.
KEYWORDS: HVDC grids, MMC, Real Time Simulation, digital simulation, HVDC power convertors, HVDC power transmission, power engineering computing, power grids, power system simulation, transient analysis