As the power industry tries to meet the challenge of growing demands with restricted means, the value of high-power schemes using power electronics based systems in utility grids becomes higher. As more of these power electronic bases schemes are deployed, the list of their expected functionality also grows. In order to properly test and evaluate the schemes, the utilization of real time simulation becomes imperative. Many of the necessary tests cannot be executed in a real network due to either economic reasons or safety concerns.
In this paper, the application of the real time simulation in the high-power power electronics system controller testing is extended to the purpose of tuning the control parameters. An application of OE-EMTP (Optimization Enabled EMTP) technique is proposed to optimize the real world controller parameters. A similar technique has been widely utilized in off-line simulation software, but here it is combined with the real time digital simulation. The effectiveness of the proposed technique was presented by result from tuning experiment of a FACTS controller, a DSP based STATCOM control.
I. Park, P. Forsyth, A. Gole, In Proc. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2015), Cavtat, Croatia, June 2015
KEYWORDS: Optimization enabled electromagnetic transient simulation (OE-EMTP), Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS), FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) device