The Jiles-Atherton (J-A) based current transformer (CT) core model provides accurate modelling of hysteresis and saturation effects and can effectively represent the remanence flux in CT cores. The disadvantage of the J-A CT is the relevant parameters are not easy to obtain. This paper develops a
methodology to estimate the parameters for a J-A CT model from a B-H loop. The B-H loop is relatively easy to get from measurement or can be generated from an EMT digital simulation of a generic CT model using a B-H curve and other commonly available data. Validation of the proposed methodology has been performed by comparing the simulation results of the J-A CT model using the estimated parameters to
the results using a generic CT model using the B-H loop as input.
Y. Chen, D. Ouellette, P. Forsyth, P. McLaren, Y. Zhang, In Proc. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2015), Cavtat, Croatia, June 2015.
KEYWORDS: Jiles-Atherton hysteresis, B-H Loop, remanence flux