This paper describes real time hardware in the loop (HIL) tests carried out as part of precommissioning
tests to evaluate the functional performance of a controlled switching device. Manitoba Hydro introduced controlled transformer switching for the first time by energizing a 230kV/500kV/46kV, 1200MVA three phase auto-transformer at the recently commissioned Riel station.
A mobile RTDS unit with two racks was available for onsite tests. The RTDS setup synthesized the secondary side waveforms of current and voltage as seen from the controller. The paper presents a
detailed description of the test system and highlights results from a number of tests conducted. Results
showed that secondary voltage of a capacitor voltage transformer would lead the controller to produce
an incorrect residual flux estimate. The secondary voltage of a wound potential transformer was found
to be producing a very close match with simulated waveforms.
The RTDS tests step up also allowed the user to evaluate the controller’s performance under conditions that are typically never tested during commissioning tests. The transformer opening and closing with a permanent fault on the 46 kV tertiary bus, temperature compensation (controller’s response to changes in the ambient temperature), and tests on the adaptive closing feature are few such examples.
W. Chandrasena, C. Fang, N. Jayasekara, P. Wang, D. Jacobson, Presented at the CIGRÉ Canada Conference on Power Systems, Winnipeg, Canada, Sep. 2015., paper CIGRE 649
KEYWORDS: Real Time, hardware in the loop, controlled switching, circuit breaker, residual flux, transformer, energization