Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) are emergency protection schemes that are designed to act in case of extreme contingency scenarios. RAS generally take strong control actions that may prevent major blackouts. No testing method has been implemented to test the operation of such an important scheme after RAS is commissioned in the field. Development of an in-field RAS testing method requires moving data between substation and test data facility within reasonable time as well as following set of standards. Erkios is a fault-tolerant middleware framework that provides a novel method to test RAS remotely after being commissioned in the field. This paper explains the development and integration of real time testbed with Erkios to facilitate cyber-physical simulation of end-to-end in-field testing of RAS. The standards and cyber physical requirements for developing such a testbed are analyzed and the simulation results are shown.
A. Mallikeswaran, T. Ashwarya, S. Niddodi, A. Srivastava, D. E. Bakken and P. Panciatici, "Cyber physical simulation and remote testing of Remedial Action Schemes," 2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), Dallas, TX, 2016, pp. 1-5.
KEYWORDS: cyber-physical simulation, remedial action schemes, RAS, Erkios, emergency protection schemes, power system reliability