Traditionally, distribution network monitoring has been mainly focusing on primary substation automation, with primary substation equipment being monitored and remote controlled by SCADA. The most part of MV network, as well as LV network, are rarely monitored in real-time. European project INTEGRIS realizes a real-time MV/LV network monitoring solution by using a decentralized network management architecture and IEC 61850 standard interfaces. This paper focuses on software system perspective, explains how IEC 61850 standard and an IEC 61850-based SCADA system have been used to implement the INTEGRIS solution.
Shengye Lu, M. Pikkarainen, S. Repo and F. Alvarez-Cuevas Figuerola, "Utilizing SCADA and IEC 61850 for real-time MV/LV network monitoring," IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2013, Lyngby, 2013, pp. 1-5.
KEYWORDS: IEC standards, Data handling, SCADA systems, Smart grids, real-time monitoring, DNO.