The integrated electric power system (IPS) on an all-electric ship provides advantages to the user (Navy) in areas of improved maneuverability, capability to operate advanced high power weapons, reduced maintenance and manpower, higher flexibility and high levels of fight through capacities. The modeling and simulation of the IPS to a very high degree of accuracy is an important requirement in analysis of the system effects as well as in the production of the prototype. For this purpose, high fidelity and high performance computations of the entire IPS are required. In this paper, experiences with the implementation of a simulation model for a notional, destroyer class electric ship power system in a real-time environment are presented.
J. Langston, S. Suryanarayanan, M. Steurer, M. Andrus, S. Woodruff and P. F. Ribeiro, "Experiences with the simulation of a notional all-electric ship integrated power system on a large-scale high-speed electromagnetic transient simulator," 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Montreal, Que., 2006, pp. 5 pp.-, doi: 10.1109/PES.2006.1709224.
KEYWORDS: all-electric ship, integrated power system (IPS), real-time digital simulator (RTDS®), PSCAD