The paper aims at analyzing various DC fault detection and protection techniques. In the proposed model of a DC ship system, various AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC converters are used. Different converters, controlled or uncontrolled, six or twelve pulse converters are used. The paper aims at modeling and simulation of different converters in Matlab Simulink and the RTDS environment to analyze DC fault effect on the DC side and its propagation from the DC to the AC side. Comparisons are made between the simulations in the real time and Simulink environments. By comparing the results of the different converters, a strategy for developing fault identify and removal for DC shipboard distribution systems will be determined. The effect of fault resistance on fault parameters is also highlighted in the paper.
M. Garg, H. Hamilton, A. K. Srivastava and N. N. Schulz, "DC converter based fault analysis using simulink and RTDS," 2008 Annual IEEE India Conference, Kanpur, 2008, pp. 459-464, doi: 10.1109/INDCON.2008.4768767.
KEYWORDS: DC-DC power converters, protection, fault detection, impedance, marine vehicles, voltage, transmission line measurements, analog-digital conversion, shipboard