The use of power electronic devices has been improving the performance of the electrical power systems. In spite of the fact that the use of these types of equipments optimizes the performance of the system, it increases the complexity of the power system. Therefore a special attention for the power system representation is required, as well as the correct modeling of the transfer function of the controllers is fundamental to achieve correct results on simulations and permit reliable and accurate analyses.
Actual real-time simulators allow a detailed representation of the network and its components, even
for very large and complex power systems. Those improvements have helped the real-time tests to become more realistic and easier to be performed. In Brazil, additionally, due to the fact that the deregulation of the energy market, with more strict rules and severe penalties associated, real-time power system tests have been widely used to ensure that the controllers and protections are working in an efficient way.
The main purpose of this article is to present the FURNAS’ reasons for including real time tests in the
specification of new equipments that include power electronics devices and protective relays. The paper will focus in the recent purchase of a Static VAr Compensator installed at Campos substation, which was tested in two different real-time laboratories during commissioning process and then reevaluated in a different power system configuration in FURNAS’ laboratory.
S. do Espirito Santo, V. Franca, E. Brandi, In Proc. WMSCI 2005, Orlando USA, July 2, 2005, Paper No. S300VW
KEYWORDS: Equipment Testing, Real-time Simulation, Power Electronics, Electrical System Operation