The Manitoba Hydro HVDC Transmission system currently consists of two Bipoles (Bipole I and Bipole II) which transfer ~75% of Manitoba Hydro generation from northern Manitoba to southern load center. A third HVDC transmission link (Bipole III) will be placed in service in 2018 and is currently under construction.
To facilitate Bipole III commissioning, system integration, and to support ongoing operation, maintenance and further development of HVDC and AC system, Manitoba Hydro decided to establish Manitoba Hydro Simulation Centre (MHSC) with RTDS real-time digital simulators and purchase Exciter control replica used for synchronous condensers, and Bipole III full control replica. Furthermore, Manitoba Hydro is currently developing replica controls for existing Bipole I and Bipole II which are used for operation support, RTS and PSCAD model validation, and Bipole III multi-infeed studies.
Through the presentation the following topics will be discussed:
- Development of the Manitoba Hydro Simulation Centre
- Justification and primary functions of control replicas
- Manitoba Hydro Experience in developing HVDC control replicas with different generation of control hardware and architecture
Zhibo Wang, Kelvin Kent, Manitoba Hydro