Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) use Gate TurnOff (GTO) devices and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
technology to control the operation of the converter bridge. This paper presents a new fully digital model of a single phase VSC. The unique improved firing algorithm (a numerical algorithm for compensating discrete time step firing error) allows the simulation time step to be in the range of 50µS while maintaining the high firing accuracy required by PWM. The real time network solution algorithm of the RTDS simulator makes it possible to inter-connect the VSC models with any other models in the RTDS power systems library. As a result, complex schemes of inter-connected single phase VSCs can be studied in real time. Physical controllers can also be tested using the model.
M. Yu, H. Konishi, In Proc. International Conference on Power Systems Transients 2003 (IPST 2003), New Orleans USA
KEYWORDS: voltage source converter, real time digital simulator, power electronics, PWM