Power System Networks are generally regarded as the most complex structures ever built by humanity. In an interconnected power system, there are tens of thousands of buses, transmission lines, transformers, generators etc., and they work together in one large network to supply the necessary power to the human society. While the behaviors of the power system are subject to basic physical laws, such as the Kirchhoff Law where sum of all currents injected to a node is zero, to study or predict such behaviors turned out to be quite complex. Digital time-domain simulation tools have been extensively used in power system studies since 1960's. In many areas including transient stability analysis, switching over-voltage analysis, and power electronic studies, such simulation platforms have become the industry standard tools.
X. Lin and P. Zadkhast, "Study of Transmission/Distribution Network With Large Number of Power Electronic Devices Using Hybrid Simulation," in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 106-116, March-April 2020, doi: 10.1109/MPE.2020.2974607.
KEYWORDS: Power system stability, computational modeling, transient analysis, power distribution, mathematical model, HVDC transmission, power transmission lines