This paper explores a new approach in MMC small time-step modelling which is implemented on a Xilinx ML-605 FPGA board for the RTDS simulator. The method for picking R L and C parameters of fixed-conductance valve models applied in short time-step EMT simulation is also introduced. The comparisons simulation results between RTDS and PSCAD shows two models produced very close simulation results, which demonstrats that the FPGA based MMC HVDC valve model in small time step on RTDS is correct and effective.
K. Ou, T. Maguire, B. Warkentin, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, R. Kuffel, Z. Cai, L. Guan, "Research and application of small time-step simulation for MMC VSC-HVDC in RTDS," 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology, Chengdu, 2014, pp. 877-882, doi: 10.1109/POWERCON.2014.6993901.
KEYWORDS: Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), modular multilevel converter (MMC), real-time digital simulation (RTDS), voltage source converter (VSC)-HVDC, small time-step