This work proposes the use of a novel faulted phase selection phasor-based algorithm to solve the high-resistance and weak-infeed fault condition selection problem in existent long compensated transmission lines. The algorithm was originally developed for future half-wavelength lines (3000 km for 50 Hz system or 2500 km for 60 Hz), and was slightly modified and tested in a real 645 km 1000 kV Ultra High Voltage transmission system. The algorithm was implemented in a programmable protective relay and tested using a real-time simulator. A series of tests under extreme conditions (such as high impedance fault and
very week infeed system together) were conducted to evaluate the performance and robustness of the proposed algorithm.
R.F. Espinoza, O. Dias, M.C. Tavares, Y.P. Molina, Presented at International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2021) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil June 6-10, 2021.
KEYWORDS: Faulted phase selection, UHV transmission line, power system protection, weak-infeed system, high-resistance fault.