Watch our webinar on the state of real-time electromagnetic transient (EMT) electric machine models, including a demonstration in the RSCAD software. The RTDS Simulator and RSCAD are used by manufacturers, utilities, and research institutions for the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of generator protection and control systems. HIL testing is the most comprehensive way to demonstrate operation, debug and tune, familiarize personnel, and generally mitigate risks of generator protection and control in the safety of the laboratory environment.
- Take a detailed look at the algorithms and features of machine models available for the RTDS Simulator
- Learn the benefits of real-time electromagnetic transient simulation and HIL testing for generator applications
- Watch a software demonstration of generator protection and control dynamics in real time via RSCAD screenshare
- Q&A with an expert in electric machine modelling
Note: This webinar does not include a detailed introduction to electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation or real-time operation. To learn more about these topics, listeners should watch this short video before joining.