HVDC system bearing lower losses, interconnecting energy systems and being cost effective has proven to be the best method for power transmission for long distance. It is essential to have control and protection (C & P) of an HVDC link to ensure power stability and to counter power fluctuations. At Hitachi Energy, Control and protection system for every project is first tested through a method called FST (Factory System Test). FST is done to ensure verification of control and protection functions, testing of equipment to meet design specifications, verifying control and protection system supervision and to reduce interruptions in AC system. The multiterminal HVDC system which is installed between Saudi
Arabia-Egypt passes through three terminals. This system with a power rating of 3000 MW, DC voltage of ±500 kV goes through FST and plant simulated on RTDS. Offshore wind power integration into the electrical network has increased rapidly. HVDC is the best solution to transfer the power from wind turbines on an offshore platform to the land. A detailed study is performed using generic wind farm model used for dynamic system studies performed in PSCAD and comparing its results with windfarm model in RSCADFX considering that there is no available project specific model. A generic wind
farm model is evaluated when connected to a Thevenin equivalent. Fulfillment of the grid code is presented by performing dynamical disturbances and changes to the connected grid model according to the proposal test plan supplied by the customer. Hitachi Energy’s state of the art Factory System Test, Saudi-Egypt HVDC project summary and generic windfarm model performance evaluation will be conferred in this presentation.
Adnan Azmat | Hitachi Energy Sweden