2023 European User's Group Meeting
Nürnberg, Germany, September 20 - 22, 2023
- 2023 European User's Group Meeting - Event Program
- The Transition of the German Power System: Challenges and Solutions
- The ENSURE Co-Demonstration Platform – Approach, Feasibility and Working Status
- Practical Experience and Techniques from an HVDC Vendor
- AC Protection Near VSC HVDC Converters
- Corporate Update & Industry Trends
- RTDS Simulation and Aquila Interoperability Project
- Hitachi Energy HVDC C & P Factory System Test Saudi Arabia - Egypt Project and RTDS Wind Turbine Model Validation
- RTDS Model for Offshore Coordinated Fast Active Power Control
- RTDS Hardware - New Developments
- Combined Protection CHIL with Wireless 5G Communication Performance Validation
- Investigation of Model Predictive Control for Grid Forming Converters in MTDC Networks
- Reduced-hardware PHIL for Real-time Testing of BESS
- Co-Simulation of Real-time and Offline Power System Simulators
- A Modular Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbench for the Investigation of Converter Control Interactions and Interoperability
- All New RSCAD® FX 2.0
- Functional Testing of HVDC Protection Systems – Towards Multivendor
- Impedance-based Stability Analysis of a Power Hardware-inthe- Loop for Grid-Following Inverter Testing
- HIL and RTDS Assisted De-risking of the Johan Sverdrup Project
- RTDS Simulation and Network DC – SIF Project
- Development of a Custom Induction Machine Component for Computationally Efficient Flywheel Energy Storage Simulation
- Sub-/supersynchronous Oscillation Analysis in an Offshore Grid Model using RTDS
- New Features, Component Models, and Sample Cases in RSCAD-FX
- CHIL and PHIL Applications for Protection, Control, and Optimal Operation of Active Distribution Networks and Microgrids.
- Industrial Research into the Reliable Operation of Digital Substations
- A Test Framework for an Adaptive Protection Scheme Using a Hardware-in-the-Loop Setup