User Spotlight Series 2020
- Week 11
- Week 10
- Week 9
- Week 8
- 'Multi-Time Scale Real-Time Voltage and VAR Control using Real-Time Co-Simulations Platform' + 'RTDS-Based Supervisory Control Performance Verification for the AC Multiple-Microgrid Systems'
- 'Grid Integration of DER Supported by PHIL and CHIL Simulation: NTUA Experiences' + 'Enhanced Multi-mass Model in RSCAD'
- 'CEN Works On Real Time Simulation' + 'ONS Experience on the Integration and Operation of a Laboratory Facility with Four Different HVDC Links Manufacturers'
- 'Real Time Simulation for PHiL Applications in a Microgrid Testbed' + 'Design and Validation of a Wide Area Monitoring and Control System for Fast Frequency Response in future Low Inertia Systems'
- 'Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Digital Twin in a Low-Voltage Grid Area' + 'HIL Validation of Power Plant Controller Model'
- 'Demonstration of Partially and Fully Selective Protection for Multiterminal HVDC Systems' + 'A Case Study On Comparative Analysis of Traveling Wave Based Protection Methods using RTDS Sub-Step Environment'
- 'Compensated Distribution Networks for Reducing Wildfire Risk in California' + 'Use of Real Time Digital Simulator in Transmission Protection Department at Dubai Electricity and Water Authority'