2023 RTDS Applications & Technology Conference
Raleigh, North Carolina - May 16, 17, 18, 2023
- RTDS Technologies: What's New
- Risk Assessments of Cyberattacks To Different Control Architectures of Microgrids Using Real-Time Testbeds
- A High Fidelity Real Time Cyber Power Operation Testbed for Grid Resiliency and Security
- Real-Time Simulation for Power and Energy Systems with AI Applications
- GTSOC: Black Box Control Integration with the RTDS Simulator
- Testing Protection Devices With Inverter-Based Resources
- Development of an RTDS Platform for HIL Testing of Energy Management Systems
- HIL Testing of Automatic Voltage Setpoint Optimizer for a Cluster of Wind Farms
- Inverter-Based Resources Model Development and Validation Using PSCAD-RTDS Co-Simulation
- SC-MMC controller validation using a CHILplug interface with RTDS
- Smart Wires Hardware-in-the-Loop Capabilities: How That Translates into a High Trust in Our Technology Among the Biggest Utilities in the World
- A New Compensation-Based Switching Model for Faster EMT Simulation of Power Electronic Networks
- RTDS Simulation of Grid Forming Inverter Based Resources
- Digital Real Time Simulation Expansion at National Renewable Energy Laboratory ARIES
- CHIL for 5MW PHIL Amplifier Using UCM in Small Timestep Environment
- Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Interfacing of Grid-Forming Inverter for Microgrid Islanding Studies
- Utility Use Cases for Testing with Hardware-in-the-Loop
- HIL Testbed for SCE’s Grid Management System
- Protection & Automation Updates
- The 5G Power Grid Co-Simulation Testbed at VT
- RTDS & Doble Engineering
- New Development and Applications on Traveling Wave Protection
- Protection HIL Testing of Utility Microgrids Embedding Grid-Forming Inverters
- Leveraging RTDS for Operator Training
- Towards a Large-scale Model of the Dominion Energy Transmission System |
- Development of EMT Models for IBRs in Transmission Networks: NYPA Experiences